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  • Luciana Borges: at Onshore and Shallow Waters demands command

    New ABPIP president rate the scenario and the future perspectives for small and medium Brazilian producers.

    The recent elected to command ABPIP between 2021-2023, Luciana de Miranda Martins Borges has an extensive agenda for now long. An interview to Petroleo Hoje, the new president, who is to manager in Maha Energy, talk about the challengers in her manager, about the market post Petrobras disinvest program, energy transition and others subjects about onshore and shallow waters.   

    What is your rate about the ABPIP owe in actual scenario?

    The ABPIP is an association who has a special characteristic about closeness. Last year, the associate promoted a bigger inside reinstruction. Were created committees, divided by demands and subjects, for more agility in associates’ requests. ABPIP made a movement focus on offshore, more specific about shallow waters fields. At REATE and PROMAR, we contributed a lot. The demands, discussions and proposals were many. All those to achieve development at onshore and offshore industry.

    What are main priorities during your management? The intention is continuous the work in progress, make a new milestone on brand or a little both?

    The proposal is making both, we will continuous the regulatory agenda, which is extensive and big, search increase companies associate. As well keeping the membership at REATE and others debates tables, like PROMAR. The idea is keeping the same answer structure and open mind from REATE to PROMAR, looking for the best contribution for the agenda.

    What is the intention:  acting with Offshore as well in onshore?  

    Yes, that is the proposals, focus on both regulatory, legal, and commercial affairs.

    How you judge ABPIP position after Petrobras disinvest program?

    We want to be a central convergent point about critical matters which will development after the program conclusion. We know there are commercial and regulatory subjects that need be set before we move on. I am taking about, for example, questions relate to infrastructure access and commercial insures. 

    How many companies are member at ABPIP? And how many from offshore?

    Today, we have 30 members, among three offshore companies (PetroRio, Perenco e BW Offshore).

    There is a good perspective in progress to news companies in shallow waters?

    Yes, I believe there is an expressive market grow comes from Petrobras disinvest, the permanent offer, revitalization, and incentive programs. We hope this movement gets bigger and spread over, with more companies join the market before limited by Petrobras. This spread over is good because brings more discussion, more associates, more ideas. Always gets better to the market. As more open, more sustainable it is.

    How you see the evolution to main points discussion for small and medium operators? There is more debate than practice solutions?

    That is true, I guess. The actual scenario is a watershed to change debate in practices actions. We are arriving in a point where, if there is not action, we will not get where we want. ANP is to involve, the debates are more effective, there is a common understanding about the opportunity window is thin. For that, we need more agents. Despite is no longer in action, there are questions in agenda, for example the royalty’s.

    How ABPIP see the industry after the Petrobras disinvest program? Is correct new portfolios review to new operations, with second sales round Petrobras assets for small companies?

    About the second round, I have the same perception. I believe will have a second disinvest movement, where the companies bought bigger poles will do the same as Petrobras: looking for efficiency. We are talking about extensive poles, so is possible a bigger opening. We are watching one operator change for two or three companies. This second round is really a plurality movement, we aim for this happen, a well onshore structure with small and medium, even, biggest companies in the same market.

    What are the demands and barriers after disinvestment program?

    All Petrobras structure is based on monopoly. So, question about infrastructure access, prices and oil commercial is the first plan. We will have an open market, plural with more options we have today, but oil and gas market will pass thought a middle stage for settings. Therefore, ABPIP will have a relevant participation to promote regulatory, legal, and commercial understanding.

    In this debate, there is a dialogue with Petrobras or only with new buyers?

    The debate already started about some subjects include Petrobras, is an open and solid discussion for understanding to future proposals about system structure with meaning after Petrobras sales, since the national company said wanned a no drama sales.

    Although many subjects are old, the onshore debate is starting in front Petrobras disinvestment and opening market?

    Those debates are quite different than was before, that is why the market is so different.

    Is possible those demands are different because there are more small oil companies?

     In some way, yes. There are companies, for example, which do not have finances capacity to advance under Petrobras disinvests, but this companies are too alerts for small assets and permanent offer, with vision to Brazil development. Small independent companies are looking for to Brazilian onshore saying: “yes, let me stay here to assure my place because will be different than is now”.

    The onshore companies felt the oil price and pandemic crises. After one year, how ABPIP see companies will today?

    I guess is, in fact, a new moment. The pandemic came and affected so much oil and gas industry. The brent price were U$$ 20 U$$ 25 turn all companies – small, medium, or bigger – assets unfeasible. I believe is getting better now, the rise of hope that we are going to the pandemic ends and everything which came with it.  In front of present brent rate in U$$ 75 and own oil prices forecast, things are move on. The specialists are speculating the possibility of U$$ 100/barrel again. So, this renews the companies’ disposition which left many projects stop by economic insures. I believe we will see a grow with projects move on. I hope for a 2022 positive.

    How ABPIP see energy transition question and the debate around onshore carbon offset?

    Before energy transition comes energy efficient carbon offset inside oil production. What companies are looking for is, in fact, efficiency. The ESG is here for that goal. There are companies listed in exchange with stamp. There is a system back ESG which conditions the burning reduction. Energy transition is necessary, will happen, there is not discussion. Today, it comes focus on Europe, where energy grid is quite different than ours. Brazil, in fact, is in front about renewable energy, we are in a comfortable position compares other countries, and the government demands for reduction emissions are focus for Europeans companies, like ExxonMobil and Shell. But, I guess, in some moment this debate will come to small operators, however, before that, I believe, we will development efficiency production in oil industry

    By Claudia Siqueira

    Fonte: PetróleoHoje